Introducing the AZ360 Website!

On March 1, 2023, the AZ360 Project Team launched this website - AZ360.AZ.Gov - to keep State employees informed about what’s happening with the both parts of the AZ360 System Implementation - AFIS Financial System Upgrade Project as well as the HRIS Modernization Project. Eventually, this site will become the portal from which employees will login into the new AZ360 Financial and Human Resources System. In this meantime, this website is designed to help employees understand the changes to come and how those changes will improve the way to work and use the new system. The website offers many features, including ways to learn more and ask questions about what’s ahead.
Project Status:
Overall, the AZ360 HRIS Modernization Project is on track to complete the overall Align phase activities in early April with some team members already working on Configure and Development activities.