Personnel Management

Personnel Management within AZ360 HR provides the ability to hire employees and maintain employee personnel records such as:

  • Assignments (positions)
  • Home and mailing addresses
  • Attributes (birth date, marital status, ethnicity, etc.)
  • Salary
  • Emergency contacts
  • Assets (company property)
  • Licenses and certifications



Personnel Management features include:

  • Creating and maintaining employee records
  • Assigning every active employee to a position
  • Inferring attributes such as Title (job code) from the position on the employee record (some attributes can also be overridden at the employee level)
  • Completing personnel actions such as hiring employees and processing transfers, separations, salary adjustments, leave without pay, and more
  • Tracking multiple positions for an employee and applying the appropriate position-specific rules while recognizing only one person for W-2 purposes
  • Integrating with position control, eliminating redundant data entry and maintenance
  • Denoting effective dates of employee-specific information, which is available for an authorized user’s inquiry immediately upon entry
  • Processing personnel actions such as hires, job changes and separations for multiple employees with one transaction spreadsheet
  • Searching data based on different timelines (current, complete or specific dates) and multiple criteria such as personnel actions, personnel action reasons, departments, titles, etc. and exporting that data into a spreadsheet.
  • Completing system validation when processing personnel transactions to identify errors prior to finalizing (submitting) the action.

  • Employees can enter and maintain information in Employee Self Service (ESS), or Human Resources personnel can enter and maintain data when needed
  • Minimal data entry requirements to hire a new employee
  • Employee Profile Management activity folder, similar to HR11 in HRIS, allows you to view employee and pay details or create transactions to update employee and pay details 
  • Employment Status is now a single character and no longer used to identify employee eligibility; now it specifically defines the status of the employee
  • Multiple personnel actions can be entered for the same employee with the same effective date 
  • Double entry of the home and mailing addresses is eliminated when the addresses are the same by using a checkbox
  • Multiple phone numbers can be recorded on the Address page
  • Email addresses for Emergency Contacts can be entered along with address and phone information
  • Licenses and Certifications will be used to track Badge Numbers and Badge Codes
  • Pick lists like asset types, licenses and certifications are maintained in tables so it’s easy to add options if needed
  • New hires can be processed before their start date, creating the Employee Identification Number that can be used to obtain all of the necessary equipment and accesses, eliminating wait time before new employees can access training or their computers
  • Multiple new hires, rehires and job changes can be processed with a data upload eliminating the need to process each transaction individually. This will be extremely beneficial to agencies with annual hires (e.g., Exposition and State Fair) and those with mandatory staff rotations (e.g., Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Re-entry)
  • One user ID for both power user and self-service access eliminating the need for multiple browsers or incognito windows
  • In-progress transactions can be saved so you can return to them later
  • Employee data searches based on current or historical information, including specific date ranges, to quickly identify employees in a specific status or who had a specific personnel action processed for them
  • Data exports for reporting purposes
  • Employees can be assigned to a secondary position if they are employed with multiple agencies , eliminating the need for both agency payroll departments to manually process payments for the secondary agency
  • Switching between roles (e.g. Manager, Employee, HR Admin) without having to log out and log back in

Sneak Peek Demonstration

Business Process Demonstrations



Personnel Management Processes Demo
will be available in Fall 2023