Training Resources

AZ360 Human Resources Management (HRM) is the software that allows Arizona to manage human resources business functions. Power users are state employees that use the AZ360 HRM to set up and maintain human resources processes. 

The following Power User training resources include training materials used for instructor-led training, training videos that demonstrate specific business process or transaction entry, quick reference guides that provide step-by-step guidance for entering information in AZ360, and other resources.

The HRM101 Introduction to AZ360 course provides an overview of the AZ360 system. Learners will be introduced to the primary components of AZ360, and taught how to navigate within the system. The components include an overview of the homepage and the functionality of business roles; searches; worklists; activity folders; transactions; inquiries; and reference tables. 

Note:  All Power Users must complete this course before taking any other AZ360 courses. The HRM101 Introduction to AZ360 Activity Lab is optional but recommended.

The HRM201 Position Control course supports the creation, authorization, and maintenance of positions, which provides information for staff planning; human resource budgeting; position monitoring; and position analysis. Position Control is also the first place where policies affecting pay, deductions, and leave are established. During the optional HRM201 Position Control Activity Lab, users can gain hands-on experience in creating, authorizing, and managing positions.

The HRM301 Personnel Management course supports the creation and maintenance of employee-specific information, including demographics; work history; salary; and status. The course discusses changes to an employee’s personnel action and/or status, such as transferring; retiring; promotions; demotions; and leave without pay. This course also covers the available personnel management inquiries, and reviews the process for approving and rejecting personnel management transactions. During the optional HRM301 Personnel Management Activity Lab, users can gain hands-on experience in hiring new employees, modifying employee attributes, rehiring an employee, and processing an employee transfer.

The HRM401 Benefits course supports benefits administration, including the creation and maintenance of employee benefits. This course also includes information related to creating and maintaining beneficiary records and generating an employee benefits statement. During the optional HRM401 Benefits Activity Lab, users can gain hands-on experience enrolling employees into designated benefits, creating records for covered dependents, and enrolling dependents into designated benefits.

The HRM501 Time and Leave Management course covers the functionality of reporting and tracking of Time and Leave balances for employees. The course also discusses the available Time and Leave Management inquiries and the process for approving and rejecting Time and Leave transactions. During the optional HRM501 Time and Leave Management Activity Lab, users can gain hands-on experience creating and modifying employee timesheets, creating and canceling a leave request, creating a leave accrual, and donating annual leave.

The HRM601 Deductions Management course supports the Arizona Department of Administration and agencies in the maintenance and processing of deductions in AZ360. It covers an overview of Deductions Management business processes, as well the functionality of those processes within the AZ360 system. During the optional HRM601 Deductions Management Activity Lab, users can gain hands-on experience creating and modifying/stopping a new net pay distribution (direct deposit) transaction and enrolling in Federal and State taxes.

The HRM701 Payroll Processing and Payroll Accounting Management course provides payroll power users information about payroll processing in the AZ360 Human Resource Management (HRM) system. It also covers Payroll Accounting Management. During the optional HRM701 Payroll Processing and Payroll Accounting Management, users can gain hands-on experience creating a one-time payment, an on-line payment, and creating an external adjustment transaction. Users can also practice creating or modifying a labor distribution profile.

Functional Area Document Name Last Updated
Introduction to AZ360 HRM101 Introduction to AZ360 Training Manual 02-14-2025
Position Control HRM201 Position Control Training Manual 02-14-2025
Personnel Management HRM301 Personnel Management Training Manual 03-11-2025
Benefits HRM401 Benefits Training Manual 02-14-2025
Time and Leave HRM501 Time and Leave Training Manual 03-11-2025
Deduction Management HRM601 Deduction Management 02-14-2025
Payroll and Payroll Accounting Management HRM701 Payroll Processing and Payroll Accounting Management 02-14-2025
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Functional Area Document Name Last Updated
Reports AZ360 Priority 1 Reports with Description 03-14-2025
Reports AZ360 Priority 2 and Priority 3 Reports List 03-14-2025
Introduction to AZ360 Page Codes by Page Type 03-13-2025
Personnel Management Personnel Actions & Reasons for Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) IN PROGRESS 03-19-2025
Introduction to AZ360 System Terminology 03-13-2025