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Review the questions below for more information related to AZ360 training. If you don’t see your question listed, review the Power User Need Help or the Employees/Retirees Need Help page.
The AZ360 Training Program is a comprehensive program designed to develop, deliver, and assess training for users of the new AZ360 HRM system. A Project Training Team is responsible for this program, and key components include:
- Designing and producing training materials
- Developing and preparing Trainers (Train-the-Trainers)
- Conducting training for Testers of the new system
- Conducting training across the enterprise for the HR Power Users, who will use the new system daily to perform their job functions
- Assessing and modifying training as needed to support the operation of AZ360
Those selected as AZ360 State Trainers have completed extensive training in learning and development best practices and the AZ360 system to prepare them to lead Tester and Power User training efforts across the state. Testers of the new system completed AZ360 training in the functional areas (e.g., Position Control, Personnel Management, Benefits, etc.) they tested.
Power Users, who are the HR professionals who will use the AZ360 system on a daily basis to perform their responsibilities, are required to complete a virtual instructor-led training course in navigation of the system and in their assigned functional area(s). In addition, optional virtual instructor-led Activity Labs are offered for Power Users seeking more hands-on experience in the system in a training environment. Power Users may attend as many Activity Labs as they would like to build their exposure to and confidence in AZ360.
All employees will work with the AZ360 system to complete self-service functions, such as completing timesheets, changing their beneficiaries, and electing benefits, much like they already do with the Y.E.S. system. There is no classroom or virtual training required for this user group; however, we will have a number of tools, short videos, and Quick Reference Guides to help employees understand and perform these self-service functions in the system.
Several components of the AZ360 Training have already occurred. For Power Users, training is being delivered from March 10 - May 2, 2025.
As noted above, there is no classroom or virtual training provided for all employees. Instead, training tools and materials will be made available, and this user group can use those resources at their convenience as they are working in the system.
Training registration is now closed. Contact your agency captain if you have questions about how to access recordings of instructor led-training or self-learning materials.
The AZ360 website provides extensive information that may answer a number of questions about training. Power Users who need assistance registering for AZ360 courses in TraCorp may contact the AZ Learning Center - ADOA. Power Users who need assistance during a training course or Activity Lab should speak with their session instructor. All employees will be provided with information on the training tools and resources for the self-service functions in AZ360 as those materials are finalized and published. Training materials for all users will be made available on the website, and will be updated as appropriate.
Questions that cannot be answered during a training session are recorded in the AZ360 Parking Lot Q&A and can be reviewed at any time. Unanswered questions from each training session will be stored on a separate tab by functional area. The AZ360 Parking Lot Q&A will be updated throughout training so check back if you don't immediately see your answer.