My agency is considering a project that may impact HRIS now or in the future. Should we work with the State’s HRIS Modernization Project team?

Yes, we want to know about any and all projects agencies are considering or have begun that could integrate with current HRIS or future AZ360 operations. Simply fill out the Outside Systems Survey Form and our team will get in touch with you to learn more.

Does AZ360 meet ADA compliance for accessibility for visually impaired state employees?

Yes, AZ360 meets ADA compliance for accessibility and is compatible with screen readers. The CGI Advantage solution that AZ360 is based on includes built-in accessibility features meant to support federal Section 508 requirements as well as the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). These accessibility features are available for and may be beneficial for all users. However, they were designed specifically to address accessibility issues.

Will AZ360 HR be customized for non-State Personnel System agencies?

No, AZ360 HR is being configured as an enterprise-wide solution for all State of Arizona employees. This cloud-based solution uses standardized, leading edge technology and processes – with minimal specialized configurations – to maximize efficiency, enhance security and other features, and extend the solution's life for many years to come.

Will the new HRIS be much different than what I’m used to?

We expect so! If the State was simply to repackage the old way of doing things with a shinier look, it wouldn’t justify the cost or the effort. Instead, we are hoping that everyone who operates in the new system will experience a generational type of shift in value-added functionality and ease of use. It’s going to be a state-of-the-art enterprise resource planning system that is built and maintained to industry best standards and suitable for the State of Arizona’s evolving, rapidly changing 21st century workforce.

Why does our agency need a designated Captain when we typically rely on ADOA Shared Services for all of our HRIS operational needs?

Regardless of how much or how little your agency, board, or commission works day-to-day in the HRIS application, most State of Arizona employees still need to use the system for things like electronic time entry and payroll purposes. Agency Captains play a critical role in the success of the project since they are the HRIS Modernization Project team’s primary way to communicate information about the project, assess agency readiness to operate in the new AZ360 system, and at the appropriate time, assist in scheduling employee training.

How will HRIS modernization affect me?

Nearly all active State of Arizona employees use HRIS to complete personnel related business, such as entering electronic timesheets, submitting leave requests, participating in performance evaluations, and completing learning and development training. Many employees and retirees also use HRIS to apply for and manage their healthcare benefits. In addition, there are about a thousand state employees whose day to day work involves managing data or other functional operations within the system.